

A DataFileStreamProcessor is a useful base class that can be extended to run arbitrary Python code on whole data files as they’re reconstructed from messages on a Kafka topic. The S3TransferStreamProcessor class is one example of an implemented DataFileStreamProcessor.

The main function that users will need to write to instantiate DataFileStreamProcessor-type classes is openmsistream.DataFileStreamProcessor._process_downloaded_data_file(), which will do the actual desired processing for each reconstructed data file. Running the class using the Runnable workflow also requires writing a openmsistream.utilities.Runnable.run_from_command_line() function.

The first argument to the openmsistream.DataFileStreamProcessor._process_downloaded_data_file() function is a DownloadDataFileTo object holding a file that has been fully reconstructed from chunks in a topic. The content of the file can be accessed using its bytestring attribute in any mode, or by reading from the full_filepath attribute in “disk” or “both” mode. Reading the file from disk is slower, but can produce a much smaller memory footprint depending on how the reading is performed from disk. The second argument to that function is a threading.Lock object that can be used to ensure only one instance of the processing function is running at a time even though multiple consumer threads may be running. The processing function should return None if it completes successfully, otherwise it should return a caught Exception object.

The openmsistream.utilities.Runnable.run_from_command_line() function is a class method that should be written like a script to run the class end-to-end. In that function, a user can call openmsistream.utilities.Runnable.get_argument_parser() to get the command-line argument parser to use. If a user would like to add additional command line arguments for the extended class they can implement the openmsistream.utilities.Runnable.get_command_line_arguments() class method. Command line arguments already defined include the config file, topic name, number of consumer threads, download regex, and output location; they can be picked up by calling super().get_command_line_arguments() in the extended class.

With a openmsistream.utilities.Runnable.run_from_command_line() function defined, adding a block like this:

def main() :

if __name__=='__main__' :

to the bottom of the file will allow the class to be run as a module, with:

>>> python -m [arguments]

Please see the page about the S3TransferStreamProcessor to better understand the structure of the logging files that a DataFileStreamProcessor-type program will create, how offsets are manually committed, and guarantees for restarting in the case of an abrupt shutdown of the program.